Terms Of Use

Last update: May 17th 2018, 7:34 am

  1. § 1 General behavior

    Each user has to be respected. Personal attacks won't be tolerated. Insults, abuses, libels are forbidden. A friendly way and the renunciation of vulgar or obscene words are counted to the fine way.
  2. § 2 Posts and Threads

    (1) Posts must be written in the language German or English. Other languages are not allowed an will be deleted.

    (2) The first post in a new thread determined the language of the thread. All posts which are followed should be written in the language of the first post. Anyone who doesn’t have a sufficient language knowledge, must write his post bilingual, so that others can translate the post.

    (3) Not allowed are:
    - Spam
    - Double-posts
    - Crossposting
    - Any illegal, sexist or right-wing extremist content ( according the German law)
    - Content that violates copyright law

    (4) By publishing posts on forum you grant Destinaja permanently and irrevocably a simple right of use for the posts. This include unlimited storage, providing, duplicating and all other activities (e.g. backups) which are necessary for operating the website Destinaja. Your copyright remains unaffected.
  3. § 3 Report-Button

    All are requested to report questionable content to protect Destinaja and users themselves from legal and economic consequences.
  4. § 4 User Account

    (1) Each user is self-responsible for the deletion of his own user account. You can find the way to do this in the „Control Panel“, section „User Account“ in point „Account Management“ at the end of the page.

    (2) There is no right of deletion of own posts, threads, attachments or similar. The data will be preserved by deleting the user account.
    There is only the right to anonymization of own posts, threads, attachments or similar, so that an assignment to the original user is no longer given.

    (3) The use of multiple user accounts are not allowed. Infringements, will be permanently blocked.
  5. § 5 General consequences of infringements

    Depending on the quantity and the severity of the infringements, warnings or sanctions will follow (e.g. temporary or permanent block)
  6. § 6 Privacy Policy

    I have read the Privacy Policy and agree.


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