WSC3.1-Compatibility of designs and plugins

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  • Hello,

    as the release of the WoltLab Suite Core 3.1 is coming up, I would like to tell you about the state of my plugins and designs.

    All plugins and design that work under WSC3.0 will also be made fit for the WSC3.1.

    Plugin DisableLogin
    -> completed

    Plugin Additional Meta Tags
    -> in progress

    Plugin MediaProvider Collection (WSC)
    -> in progress. Reinstallation will be necessary

    Plugin ResizeImage (WSC)
    -> completed

    Plugin HideForGuests
    -> completed

    Plugin AffiliateRewrite
    -> completed

    Plugin SocialLinks
    -> developed for WSC3.0 and WSC3.1, but a little formal update will come.

    Design Elegance
    -> planned

    Design Connectivity
    -> planned

    The free plugins will be released earlier, because I would like to offer the paid plugins in the WoltLab Store in the future and because of that, i would like to have them checked there first.

    the MediaProvider Collection (WSC) will be a long-running plugin, because I add some improvements and I have to check each providers. If the time will runing away, i will release a light version and add missing providers later.

    I will update the above list every few days.

  • Hello everybody,

    unfortunately i didn't finished plugins Additional Meta Tags and MediaProvider Collection (WSC) before the release of WSC3.1.
    The Plugin Additional Meta Tags should be released during the next week. A reinstallation will be necessary because of new functions, you can simply remove the plugin for the upgrade to WSC3.1 and add it next week again.

    Regarding MediaProvider Collection (WSC), I have attached this message a new slimmed down version of this plugin. The plugin must be reinstalled. A Update is not possible, because of changes in the framework itself.
    During the next week more media providers will be added. New is an option in the ACP under General->Messages->Media Provider. If this option is activated, smaller videos will be displayed if possible.