Explanation of Labels, Versions, Hotfix etc.

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  • Hello,

    today i want to introduce you how i personally handle the support area of plugins.

    Before we start, a short explanation. A plugin for me is a "small" extension for the framework (basic structure) or for an end-use application. A end-use application could also be define as a plugin for the framework, but a i think an end-use Application is more like a complete gallery, blog e.g.

    Some have already noticed, there are colored elements (e.g. green, blue and red), version informations and the names of the plugins in the list of threads.

    These elements are called labels. They are used to better assign the topic and to visualize the status of the reported question/problem. In Addition, you can sort the topics by selecting the label in the sidebar.

    Once a topic is created and latest by me, it receives an assignment to a plugin and a status. Because of some questions in the last years here is a small description about the meaning.

    Not a bug
    The reported error is not an error of the plugin. There is probably a user error.

    General Question
    This is a general question regarding the operation and functionality of the plugin. Sometimes a webmaster wants to change something special for his own side.

    Works as designed
    Sometimes a plugin works differently than you self would expect. In such cases, the behavior has been deliberately chosen to e.g. to work with all websites or just to avoid errors.

    Won't be implemented
    This label is set if the suggestion indeed is good, but the implementation meets not the intended use of the plugin or it is not possible.
    Sometimes a "small" extension is only a small extension and not a egg-laying wool-milk-sow, if you know what I mean. Not possible may mean that the conditions are not there in order to implement the proposal. Maybe someday i will have a look on it again.

    Cannot reproduced
    The error cannot be reproduced. Maybe by using the plugin mixed with special conditions has occur the error.

    This proposal will be implement with the version next to the label.

    Feedback required
    For the reported proposal or error additional informations are needed. I wait for a response.

    On Investigation
    The reported proposal or error is being checked . This can/will take a little time .

    The error can be confirmed . The solution has not been found or is pending.

    This error will be/has been fixed with the version next to the label.

    If the label Implemented or Fixed is set, the version displays when this change will be released.
    Released versions are always be announced via news and/or in the Forum Neuigkeiten & Ankündigungen. The latest version of a plugin can be also seen in the shop system in the plugin description.

    Hotfix-, Repair- and Updatestrategy

    A repair of a plugin will be mark with "pl" (e.g. 1.0.0 pl 1) in the version number. A repair doesn't include new functions.

    A new/higher version (1.0.0 -> 1.0.1) can include repairs and new functions.

    A hotfix is a manual repair which can be performed by the user himself, until a pl-version or new version will be released.

    If it is possible and reasonable for me, i will provide a hotfix. You can use the hotfixes at your own risk, because they are possibly not yet been tested.