- Official Post
it is time again. This time there are updates for 2 products of Destinaja which includes improvements especially.
The following products receive an update:
MediaProvider Collection 1.0.6 (https://shop.destinaja.de/product/1-medi…der-collection/)
- new media provider for Gigrawars.de
- new media provider for Google Play (via SoftCreatR Media)
- new media provider for Google MyMaps
- new media provider for Google ivoox
- change media provider "Twitterfeed" to "Twitter (via SoftCreatR Media)"
- the required plugin "MediaElement.js-Integration" has been updated to version 1.1.1 pl 2
- the required plugin "MediaProvider PIP" has been updated to version 1.0.2
ResizeImage 1.0.3 pl 1(https://shop.destinaja.de/product/5-resizeimage/)
- support now the News-System from Wbb-Elite/HostingTime
- general overhaul and improvements
I wish you much fun with my plugins